Sunday, August 24, 2014

My prayer....

My prayer above all things is for happiness. That my mind be tuned to things that are positive and healthy so that happiness can follow. That I might play an active role in perpetuating my own personal good will. It's indeed my struggle. Right now. But I pray that one day God will answer this prayer.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Finding Beauty in All Things

As cliche as it is, I've started a project that allows me to get back to a part of me that I lost some time ago. I'm reclaiming the undying optimist, the part of me that fights for the good that I know exists in all of God's creatures and things.

My most recent project is called The Art of Blight. I walk/ride around New Orleans and find areas of the city abandoned by its inhabitants - some from the devastation left behind by Hurricane Katrina. Others, due to a myriad of causes that have allowed paint colors to fade, fixtures to crack and break and foundations to fold under the dominant pressure of time and the elements. And yet, I've allowed myself to find beauty in it all.

I recall on a trip to Egypt when I decided to embrace the local culture and found insurmountable beauty in the downtrodden smiles of the local homeless beggars. Or when I strayed away from the Puerto Rican resort to make the uncomfortable encounter with locals who lived on a weekly allowance less than a days pay of work. Even in this, I was able to find overwhelming beauty and passion. It's the idea of smiling through it all!

This inspired me then and I am reclaiming it now. Each and every house tells a story. I hope to capture this story at a place where most have ended it. With every picture I post, I am resurrecting that joy and optimism within me.

Here's to reclamation of self.

It's about time!


for pictures, I'd like you to check out my instagram: PharmICEistJoh

Monday, August 4, 2014

A Calling

I listened to a clip of a sermon by Bishop T. D. Jakes today that literally shook the foundation from under me - it was just that powerful. I actually could feel tears accumulate in the pockets of my eyes. Something about knowing that God has called you to do something great in his name just becomes so hard to conceptualize by it feels simply amazing.

Here's the link: 

I don't know what God has called me for but I know it's something big. In offering a bit of clarity, I'm not at all looking for the glory. But how outstanding is it to know that God has chosen somebody like me to do his work?

My Pops would tell me "Son, don't question 'why' the Father chose you. Instead, think 'why not me'" So, it's with that confidence, standing in God's glory for my life, that I take up this cross and bear it.

Will I make mistakes? Absolutely. If nothing else, marriage has shown me how to humble myself to the idea of messing up. My saving grace is that God paired me with someone who truly understands forgiveness - so I make it out of mistakes pretty well.

Will I stray? I hope not. But I am human and I am stubborn. My faith walk isn't nearly as narrow as I'd like it to be but I am farther along this journey than when I started.

The words still resound as I type this: God didn't make a mistake when he called you....

My, my, my....
