Saturday, May 11, 2013

Daily Bread

"Alone in a room. It's just me and you. I feel so lost, that I just don't know what I'm gonna do. So I'm crying out - crying out to you Lord. I know that you're the only one who is able to pull me through. So, I need to talk to you. And ask you for your guidance. Especially today, when my world seems so cloudy. Guide me until I'm sure. I open up my heart."

I open up my heart.

No fancy phrasings or intricate superficial sentence structure to get my point across this time. Just the lyrics that speak to my heart.

I crave the Father's voice. I truly hope I'm not missing it. Until I know, I'll continue to pray for clarity, understanding, answers.

I. open. my. heart.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today I saw her - in a way that I've never seen her before. She was happy, extremely happy. Her smile as wide as the Mississippi. Her eyes glistening with love and affection.

She was pregnant.

Carrying our baby girl, who tries to escape the wedding dress that adorns her milky, rich brown skin. We are dancing. I look into her eyes and there's a feeling that hits me - just above my breast plate. An energy, a hot sensation that crawls up my throat and lays down in the corners of my eyes. I'm moved to tears. There's a thankfulness, a gratitude that I just can't put into words. She's the most beautiful, precious gift God has created - and she's ALL MINE.

There's a sense of accomplishment present as well. Pure victory. I recognize that there are some who think of me as their enemy. Some whose lies to self have caused them to develop an unwarranted jealousy for us. On top of that, the enemy is NOT pleased. At all. And yet, we're here. We are victorious. We are ONE.

I've never seen it before, until now - an innocent run in the open park turned into a Godly vision.

I had to run today. I had to see what God had in store. I had to be given the vision of truth to dispel the tricks that the devil laid in front of me.

I'm a new man. I'm working harder. I'm MANning up!

I can't wait to see what God has in store.
