Sunday, November 10, 2013

Grace, Mercy and Peace

Sometimes, I stand in awe, still wondering why God saw fit to save me from a life of sin and selfishness and usher me into a world where I have inherited just a taste of what he's capable of providing. It's simply amazing. I listened to the words preached by my pastor today and it truly put things in perspective. God, through prayer, offers his children three gifts: grace, mercy and peace.

Grace - God's blessings to us in spite of the fact that we don't deserve it. Mercy - God's covering over us to ensure his divine will for our lives is realized rather than what the world would have our legacy become. And Peace - the stability of mind, body and soul that comes from God alone. I just get overwhelmed with thankfulness in light of knowing what could have happened if I wasn't willing to let God answer my prayers.

I must admit - it hasn't been easy. There have been so many lessons that I've had to learn along this journey, so many ways I've had to humble myself in order to fully see the Father's love for me. But I'm taking it one day at a time and letting God's will take precedence.

Tonight, I want to pray for some of my friends out there who may not have anyone to pray for them. That they may experience God's love and respond in light of it. That they understand that even in the midnight hour, God can turn it around and make it work out in their favor. There's such a joy in my heart. I truly do believe in God's love and I want others to know it as well.

Here's to a great week. Be prosperous, be blessed, experience God's love.
