Saturday, June 15, 2013

Losing teeth

I liken my experiences to that of losing teeth. We all of to do it. It's become somewhat of a unofficial rite of passage. However, there's more to my interpretation than simply losing what was temporary and gaining anew.

Think about it. We all lose our first set of teeth - not barring their condition upon the loss. Some of us have near-perfect "baby" teeth, where losing them is simply a process of growth. For others, the release of rotten, misshapen, and/or unhealthy teeth signals a renewal.

Either way, we all lose teeth.

Where I am right now in my life is existing in a place were I have been renewed, given a brand new set of teeth, so to speak. A chance at a new life. In reflection, I can see how God has taken me from being a single, spoiled, selfish know-it-all to a more open, trusting, loving man. And yet there are some who stand to serve as a reminder of my "old teeth."

They use whatever tools they can to tear you down. You'd think they had never lost teeth themselves.

I'm constantly challenged by this. A wise preacher once told me, "You pay for sins and you pray for your sins." I can deal with that. What I have to learn is how to deal with the repercussion of having those "old teeth" but also not falling into a space where I can't at all recognize my new ones.

I stand in God's glory. Nevertheless, I am human and I fall into a place where I doubt whether this journey is truly mine. I need reminders that he's covering me, that he hasn't forsaken me. And where usually I am strong, I have moments where I am but a child - scared, hesitant to grow, nervous.

I can't let it shake me too long or too much though. It's exactly where the enemy would have me to be so that I forget what my calling is. I can't forget that no matter how I gained these new teeth, I was still blessed to have some.

So, I'm taking a mindset of thankfulness, instead of sadness or fear. I'm letting the father's eternal love draw me nearer to his promises, rather than cause me to doubt.

Ye tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.


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