The devil has tried to divert my mind in such a way that I can not appreciate what God has given me, placed in my life, blessed me with.
I recognize your false tricks for what they are and I've decided to combat this by actively going against what I see in front of me and use my faith as a key to releasing myself to the will of God.
Starting today I am introducing more prayer into my daily regimen, focusing on gratefulness and thanksgiving. I've also decided to actively pray for others and not myself. Too often do I use my prayers to focus on my own struggle but I know there are people out there dealing with greater, more intense issues. As with reading, the more one prays, the stronger your ability to pray becomes.
So today I am pledging to show the Lord gratitude for 3 new things daily until I notice the habit of my prayers changing into this type of expression naturally. I've also decided to open my heart and show more vulnerable, unguarded love.
Pray with and for me.
Today - I am thankful and grateful for:
- God changing my life: I was on a road to disaster, engrossed in sin and traveling on a road straight for hell. Then he turned it. He loved me enough to give me the option for change. And I'm thankful for that - more than anyone could understand.
- Pharmacy: As stressful and crazy as school has been, I thank God for honoring my decision to become a pharmacist. I can remember the date I got my acceptance letter and called my mom to tell her. But I couldn't get a word out because I cried just that much. It's been so many tears shed between that time and now - some in response to stress and others just in pure gratitude. Either way, I've been made strong through it all. Extremely strong.
- My wife: She's patient, extremely thoughtful, protective and kind. She's talented, beautiful and sexy. She's gifted, creative and truly an amazing spirit. I have such a great desire to shower her with all the pleasantries this life has but I first want her to experience the love I have to give - as it hasn't been shared with anyone ever.
Just typing this makes me so grateful for everything God is doing for me. I'm overwhelmed by his goodness and mercy. Little ole Joh! Let the gratitude challenge begin!
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